'People of the City', Exhibition & Book Launch, 16.03.17

Another photo book is about to be ready!!! Michael Waibel's latest publication on urban city development is going to be in print this week and will be available from 16th March. This time we were exploring the recent developments in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

As you might know, in the years from 2013 to 2016 I was commissioned to take photographs of people in major cities of Vietnam. In addition to this, we are now proud to announce book number 5, for which I traveled to Cambodia's capital city last year in September.

With support of the Goethe Institute and the Meta House, a German-Cambodian cultural centre, we are now preparing our informative book launch event, which will also feature a selection of my images in the exhibition hall (image preview).

The show will last for one month from 16th March to 17th April 2017
Venue: Meta House, 37 Samdach Sothearos Blvd (3), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Exhibition opening and launch event: 16th March, 6pm 
Talks and guest speakers:Nico Mesterharm (Meta House), Astrid Schulz, Michael Waibel

'The photos of this exhibition are taken for chapter 4 in Dr Michael Waibel’s latest photo book ‘Phnom Penh: CAPITAL CITY’. In this chapter, a variety of residents have been asked to comment on their impressions and relationships to the city they call home. Astrid wanted to take a closer look behind the facade and explore how people use their personal space. The outcome is a collection of enticing insights into homes and workplaces spanning rich and poor, younger and older generations, migrants and those who have lived there all their lives and helped shaping the city'.

The book 'Phnom Penh CAPITAL CITY' is available on Amazon (ISBN: 9-789924 915102)

'ICONIC 2016' Palermo, Group Exhibition, 15.10 - 30.10.16

Proud announcement: one of my images from the ‘Madonna’ series (on the right) has been selected for the legendary ICONIC 2016 exhibition in Palermo. The show features portraits & artwork inspired by the 'Queen of Pop' and hosts a section of photography with subjects that are influenced by Madonna's career and status as an icon.

Opening event: Saturday, 15th October 2016 at 6pm

Venue: BOBEZ Arte Contemporanea, Via Isidoro La Lumia 22, Palermo 

Opening times: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am - 12pm & 5pm - 7.30pm, 
Monday by appointment only

Hereby I would like to thank Mary Ellen Lamb (make-up), Gabrielle Guy (photography assistance), and especially Stephanie Newton for modelling as Madonna.

'Tp. Ho Chi Minh MEGA City' book launch, 09.10.16

Once again, the is an update for the legendary photo books by Michel Waibel in Vietnam. This is the third edition of the book 'Tp. Ho Chi Minh MEGA City' and updates an earlier version from 2014. It takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the familiar and lesser-known aspects of this bustling city to witness its vibrancy and dynamic changes of the past years.

The event is organized by the Goethe Institute of HCMC and features an expert talk on the challenges of sustainable urban development in Vietnam. Two lucky winners will walk away with a complementary copy via a book lottery.

In case you are in Saigon, come early, the venue is usually quite full...

 And if you don't fit in - no worries - here is a preview of my chapter 'People in the City'.

Book launch event: Sunday, 9th October, 10.00am - 12.00pm

Venue: Salon Van Hoa Ca Phe Thu Bay, 
1st floor, Trung Nguyen Café, 19B Pham Ngoc Thach, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

Afterwards, the book can be bought on Amazon (ISBN: 978-604-94-9365-2).

'London Independent Photographers' 9th Greenwich Annual Exhibition, 08.08 - 21.08.16

As every year, the members of the Greenwich group of LIP are showcasing their work at Greenwich Gallery. This year I have chosen to exhibit another image from my work in Vietnam, which I created during a 2month artist residency in 2013. The picture is called ‘Seashells’; it is a portrait of ‘Chau Thi No’. Mrs No has been boiling tiny seashells on Con Hen Island for over 30 years. This occupation was passed on from her ancestors. View more images from the series 'Made in Vietnam'.

The opening event: Thursday, 11th August, 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: The Greenwich Gallery at 
Linear House, Peyton Place, London SE10 8RS

Opening times: Mo - Fri, 9am - 5.30 / Sat - Sun, 1pm - 5pm

The series ‘Farmers' has been created in honour of micro food production households and features people who are physically involved in growing or producing food from their homes and gardens. We often forget how labour intensive it is to produce what we eat. Especially in the Western world the connection between food and nature seems to get lost. The aim of the project is to re-establish a relationship with the origin of food provisions. The series will be continued in Latin America.

‘Death Lies on Her’, premier screening and networking party, 14.07.16

Concept136Film cordially invites you and your friends to the premiere of the short high concept film ‘Death Lies on Her’ in an exclusive location in central London. The private screening will be followed by a Q&A session with the writer Afzaal Mauthoor and writer/director/producer Uppili Raghavachari. Please also welcome the rest of the crew and the talents Ellie Tanner and Chris Edgerley.

‘Death Lies on Her’ is an electrifying high concept debut film - a tragic Shakespearean love story with a deadly twist. I am the costume designer & supervisor – can’t wait to see the finished film.
Venue: The Hospital Club, 24 Endell Street, WC2H 9HQ
Time: 14 July, 2016 (18.00 – 21.00)

After Q&A session there will be a networking drinks reception for those who like to party into the night.
 Tickets are available for those who are not cast or crew: please order here

2nd German Solo Show: 'Hairdressers' Exhibition, 13.04 – 13.05.16

Another exciting announcement: my


have been selected to highlight the opening event at the German Hairstylists convention in Saarbrücken. The annual convention is held by the Trade Cooperation and supported by the Landesinnung Friseure and Kosmetik

(Guild for Hairstylists and Beauty).


Handwerkskammer des Saarlandes (Trade Cooperation of Saarland), Hohenzollernstrasse 47 - 49, 66117 Saarbrücken, Germany

Opening event:

Thursday, 14th April 2016, from 6.00pm

The series 'Hairdressers’ is inspired by the novel

Egalia's Daughters

in which the protagonists swapped gender based roles. The images are questioning our perception on what is regarded as ‘normal’ and what is ‘


’ in our society. Perhaps it’s time for men to get emancipated, when it comes to style?

'Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City', Book Publishing Events, 28 & 29.03.2016

The final photo book is ready!!! This is the last one out of three publications, dealing with urban city development and modern life in Vietnam. It is finally printed and will be available from end of March.

In the years 2013 / 2014 & 2015 I was commissioned to take photographs of people in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An. In each place I visited around 30 people in their homes or at work and asked them about their life in Vietnam. The outcome is forming one chapter in each book, which otherwise documents the urban developments of Vietnam's fast growing cities - in between ancient traditions and culture. The latest photo book is describing the urban challenges of the coastal city Da Nang, followed by the towns Hoi An and Hue.
In case you are lucky and currently in Vietnam, there are two launch events you could attend:

The first one will take place on 28th March at 7pm
Venue: Da Nang Library, 46 Bach Dang, Da Nang City.

The second one is on 29th March at 7pm
Venue: Goethe Institute Hanoi, 56-58 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Hanoi. Click here for information.

Being involved in this project was an absolute privilege; it brought the people of Vietnam close to my heart and I will never forget the hospitality and generosity I experienced. I hope I made you curious to visit Vietnam yourself. Or buy the book; it can soon be ordered via Amazon. It is published at 'Fine Art Publishing House', Hanoi, by editor Michael Waibel. ISBN 978-604-78-4045-8

‘LensCulture Exposure Awards 2015’: Finalist Award

Just on time for the beginning of the ‘Year of the Monkey: my images from Vietnam have been awarded once again. I’m delighted to announce that the international jury has selected me to be a Finalist at the LensCulture Exposure Award!

LensCulture received submissions from photographers in over 100 countries. Being one of the finalists is a great honor and personal accomplishment – I am very proud that my work has been chosen as one of the best of the best! Please have a look at my LensCulture portfolio.

The featured portfolio 100 Faces of Viet Nam is showing a selection of portraits across Viet Nam, representing a society, which is on the brink of change. It shows the people from a developing country caught between tradition and modernity. These photographs exist because of a commission for 3 photo books: I went out there 3 times on behalf of Michael Waibel and the Goethe Institute Hanoi. Last not least, they also exist because of my love for this country and for the wonderful people I met during this assignment. Thank you, all of you!!!

By the way, the Winners & Finalists of the 2015 Exposure Awards will be exhibited at 
Somerset House during Photo London — London’s Premier Photography Fair!

Venue & date: Somerset House, The Strand, London WC2R 1LA, 19 - 22 May 2016

‘Maagni Fi’, Artist in Residence at Waaw from 2014-15, 13.10 – 02.11.2015

"Maangi fii" means "I am here" in Wolof, the local language in Senegal. Well, I am not, but some of my artwork still is. So, as I am proud to have been part of the artist residency community at Waaw in Saint Louis, I am happy to announce that there will be a retrospective of previous artist and my work will be included.

The picture on the right is a pattern, which is part of a paper carpet with the title 'Made in Senegal'. It shows the hands of a local woman whilst producing Thiakry, a millet based breakfast cereal.  The motive echos the bold and colourful fabrics seen all over Africa, whereas the paper carpet itself is 'covering' for various types of foods that are produced in Saint Louis.

Venue: Galérie Éthiopiques, rue Khalifa Ababacar Sy x Potin, Saint Louis, Senegal

Opening times: 11am – 1pm & 7pm – 7pm

Other artwork on display has been created by Carl Fredrik Koltermann, Maya Portner and Tobias Richardson. With this exhibition Waaw is going to open its doors again for a new season of international artist.

‘Sunken Garden’, Costume Design for a 3D Film / Opera, 15.03 - 20.03.15

Proud announcement for the third round: the occult mystery film-opera 'Sunken Garden’ by Dutch composer Michel van der Aa and best-selling author David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas) is having a come back at the Opera de Lyon. I was designing the costumes for both, the film as well as for the stage performance - the production took place from 2012 – 2013.

The event is a combination between life performance, 2D documentary style film inserts and a 3D film backdrop throughout the 2nd half of the opera. It was co-commissioned by the English National Opera, the Barbican Centre in London, the Toronto Luminato Festival, the Holland Festival and the Opera de Lyon.

Pictures from the world premiere in London (2013) as well as stills from the film inserts can be seen at this link: http://www.astridschulz.com/sunken-garden/

Part 2: 'Farmers (from: Made in Vietnam)' at the Vietnamese Caphe House, 01.03 - 30.06.15

As previously announced, some of the wonderful people I photographed in Vietnam will still be on display in a London based Vietnamese coffee shop.

I have chosen seven new images for March and April, afterwards they will be swapped for another selection of portraits. The series 'Farmers' were part of a larger body of work, which I created during my artist residency in 2013. After being exhibited in Hue and Hanoi, the images were shipped to London and since waiting to see the light of day again.

In order to celebrate, please join me on Saturday, 7 March at 3.00 for an informal ‘caphe’ meeting. 

Venue: Caphe House at 114 Bermondsey Street, Bermondsey, London SE1 3TX 

Opening times: 
Mon - Fri: 8am – 5.00pm

 / Sat: 9am – 5.00pm / Sun: closed

About the images: the project has been created in honour of micro food production households and features people who are physically involved in growing or producing food from their homes and gardens. We often forget how labour intensive it is to produce what we eat. Especially in the Western world the connection between food and nature seems to get lost. Therefore I visited small-scale farmers and family run production businesses and took portraits of people with their products in order to re-establish a relationship with the origin of food provisions.

'Hà Nội CAPITAL City', Book Publishing Event, 06.03 2015

Proud announcement: my recent Vietnam commission for the second photo book, this time about the city Hanoi, is finally printed and will be available from March.

For this book I photographed between 30-40 individual people and families at their homes and asked them about their relationship to Hanoi. The outcome is forming one chapter in this book, which otherwise documents the developments of Vietnam's capital City, full of ancient traditions and culture. You can see a selection of 'People of Hanoi' on my web site. 

In case you are in Vietnam, the launch event will take place in Hanoi on 6 March at 6pm
Venue: Goethe Institute Hanoi, 56-58 Nguyen Thai Hoc Hanoi, Vietnam). Click here for information.

However, the photo book can also be ordered at Amazon; it is published at 'Fine Art Publishing House', Hanoi, Vietnam, by editor Michael Waibel. The ISBN No is 978-604-78-1965-2

'Playing Cards', at Flaxon Ptootch Salon, 11.12.14 - 14.01.15

Christmas party at the legendary Flaxon Ptootch hair salon: come and get your 'Playing Cards'!

The project itself is a collaboration between myself and the fabulous team at the Flaxon Ptootch hair salon: together we created a set of playing cards. We wish to have them ready for the event and additionally exhibit the images for one month, starting on 11th December.  

Please come and join us for entertainment, drinks and games on our private view & Christmas event: Thursday, 11.12.14, 7.00pm - 10.00pm 

Venue: Flaxon Ptootch, 237 Kentish Town Rd, Kentish Town, London NW5 2JT

Opening times: Mo, Thurs & Fri: 10.30am – 7.00pm

Wed: 10.30 to late / Sat: early to 7.00pm / Tuesday & Sunday: closed

The ‘Playing Cards’ project is playfully observing our daily routine on mobile devices. It seems that mobile phones and tablets have become our new best friends, we never leave them unattended. But what happens to the seemingly endless stream of data we leave behind? All this private information we post and tweet about our lives; where is it really going? Who is the one that knows everything about us? Come and find out on 11th December...

'Fitzrovia Journal' Issue No.3 Launch Party, 23.10.14

Issue No 3 (‘Creativity’) is about to emerge!!! Soon you will find this new magazine on Fitzrovia at selected newsagents and cafes local to its neighborhood.

But before you can read these stories (written by Kirk Trueman), be invited to join the launch event, which is happening on Thursday, 23 October, 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Venue: 'The Kings Canary'
81 Great Titchfield Street, London W1W 6RQ

I am also proud to announce that the magazine is holding two of my photo essays, including the cover picture of Shabnam Esl, a very gifted fashion designer. Shabnam draws her inspiration from ancient Persia and her creations are astonishingly beautiful.
My other photo story are about a fashion shop called In-Ku, run by Carin, a lovely lady from New Zealand. Carin is also very creative and her designs are very natural and charming. The footprint of her shop is tiny, but the space is well designed over several floors. Get the 'Fitzrovia Journal' to find out more...

'Fitzrovia Journal' Issue No.2 Launch Party, 03.07.14

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce a new magazine? This is actually issue no.2 already, but it only appeared on the readers table this year and is distributed only in Fitzrovia.

I also wish to announce, that the magazine was holding three of my photo essays, including the cover picture of Ezra Axelrod, a young and critically-acclaimed American singer-songwriter.

My other two stories are about Mathew Sturgis, an author, historian and biographer, and Jason Morell, an actor, who has recently been acclaimed to be the director of the 'Dylan Thomas' festival in Fitzrovia, scheduled for October.

The launch event of issue no.2 (‘Modernity’) is happening at:
Venue: 'Rebecca Hossack Gallery', 2A Conway Street, 
London W1T 6BA
Time: Thursday, 3 July, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Fitzrovia Journal will return in October with issue no. 3, which runs under the topic of ‘Creativity’. You will find more of my essays in there, watch this space...

‘Sunken Garden’, Costume Design for a 3D Film / Opera, 12.04 – 20.04.13

Sunken Garden (3D Multi Media Opera)

Back into costume design and very proud in having been involved in an occult mystery film-opera, Astrid would like to introduce an exciting and brand new collaboration by Dutch composer Michel van der Aa and libretto by best-selling author David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas). 


The world premiere of the ‘Sunken Garden’ is taking opera to a new level. The show is a combination between life performance, 2D documentary style film inserts and a 3D film backdrop throughout the 2nd half of the opera. On stage, performers (Roderick Williams, Katherine Manley & Claron McFadden) skillfully interact with the 3D screen action, which features additional singers (Jonathan McGovern and Kate Miller Heidke).  

Performances take place at the Barbican from Friday, 12 April to Saturday, 20 April. Afterwards the show will be traveling to Amsterdam’s Holland Festival in June 2013 (already sold out) and in June 2014 the opera will be staged at the Toronto Luminato Festival. Further shows are planed for Spring 2015 at Opera de Lyon.

Pictures of the performance and stills from the film inserts can be seen at the link below:


‘The Magic Man’ - A Photography Exhibition at Davenports, 08.10 - 30.11.12

Who is he, that Magic Man? Will he be able to help us with enchanting our lives - or does he need help to entangle his own? If you would like to know a typical day-to-day scenario in the life of a bewitched magician, then come to Davenports Magic Shop and view his tricks through the window.

'The Magic Man' is a joined photography project by Philip Philmar and Astrid Schulz, commissioned by Bill Roy from Davenports. The images of wired and wonderful magical moments can be seen Monday to Saturdays, from early morning to 9pm.

We would love you to join us on our opening reception on Tuesday, 16 October 2012, from 6pm - 8.30pm
. Be prepared for surprises!!!

Venue: Lewis Davenport Magic, 7 Charing Cross Underground Arcade at Exit 9, The Strand, London, WC2N 4HZ

Davenports is a magic shop, supplying everything around magic tricks that a real magician desires. You will find magic DVDs, magic tricks, magic books, magic courses and even a magic theatre. The company was established in 1898 by Lewis Davenport, which makes it the oldest magic family business in the world!!!

Attention: Davenports is hidden in the Underground tunnels of Charing Cross tube station. Don’t get lost, call 020 7836 0408 for directions.