'fLIP Magazine' no 26, Winter Issue 2013

fLIP is an independent magazine, which is published three times per year by the London Independent Photographers (LIP). The magazine is the official voice of LIP, which has over 600 members and it aims to support, inspire and inform its readers by featuring members' photographic work with articles that are engaging and entertaining. 

The current issue, no 26, which carries the title 'Character', is featuring four images from Astrid's 'Hairdressers' series. The project was a collaboration between Astrid and hair&make up artist Konnie Daniel, who worked wonders on the hair of 12 guys (click here for 'Hairdressers').

fLIP is available at various stockists across London, including the Tate Modern Bookshop, National Portrait, Serpentine Gallery Bookshop, Whitechapel Gallery Bookshop and many more. For further information about fLIP magazine please click here.

'Haidressers' will be exhibited in May 2014. Information about the venue and the opening event will be anounced shortly...