‘London Independent Photographers‘ - The Seventh Greenwich Annual Exhibition, 04.08 – 17.08.14

As every year, the members of the Greenwich group of LIP are showcasing their work at Greenwich Gallery.

This year I am showing one of my images from my work in Vietnam’, which was created during a 2month residency. The image is depicting ‘Sam, the peanut farmer’.  However, there are more images from that series which I would love to show. In case you know of a venue, please get in touch… Here are the images from ‘Farmers’ (Made in Vietnam).

Venue: The Greenwich Gallery at 
Linear House
Peyton Place, London SE10 8RS

Opening times: Monday to Friday: 9am - 5.30pm and
Saturday to Sunday: 1pm - 5pm

The private view is open for all and takes place on Saturday, 4th August 2014 from 6.30pm - 8.30pm.

The series ‘Farmers' has been created in honour of micro food production households and features people who are physically involved in growing or producing food from their homes and gardens. We often forget how labour intensive it is to produce what we eat. Especially in the Western world the connection between food and nature seems to get lost. Therefore I visited small-scale farmers and family run production businesses and took portraits of people with their products in order to re-establish a relationship with the origin of food provisions. The series will be continued in Hanoi from October 2014 and in Senegal from January to March 2015.