'Hairdresses' at Galerie Sali E Tabacchi, 08.05 - 05.06.15

The series ‘Hairdressers’ is ready to go on the wall in  Saarbrücken, Germany.

With generous support by photographer Jörg Karrenbauer, ARTgenosse Albert Herbig and Hahnemühle FineArt paper, my 12 guys in curlers will enjoy a comeback at Sali e Tabacchi in May 2015.

Venue address: Galerie Sali E Tabacchi, Feldmannstrasse 144, 66119 Saarbrücken, Germany
Opening Times: Mo, Wed & Fri: 4.00pm – 6.00pm

Private View: Friday, 08.05.15, from 7.00pm

The series ‘Hairdressers’ is inspired by the novel Egalia's Daughters in which the protagonists swapped gender based roles. One particular scene stuck to my mind: men were sitting at a beauty salon, with curlers in their hair and beards. Or waxing of their chest hair, having face masks and so forth. I began to explore: how do men feel and act when being confronted with characteristic female beauty treatment?

The project exists in collaboration with hair & make-up artist Konnie Daniel, who created wonderful effects with her fabulous collection of vintage curlers. For a preview click here.