'Astrid Schulz Costume Design' launched a new website

I would like to welcome you to my brand new website! Over the last years I have grown and so has my portfolio and experience. It was time to create a new 'shop window' that reflects that. And here it is - please visit astridschulzcostume.work

I hope you will agree with me: the new site is easier to navigate and ultimately much more fun. And finally, it is mobile friendly :) Please test it for me and let me know if there is anything that still needs improving. 

As I am in the process of renewal, I will do the same with my photography website in the coming month. Watch this space and come back for more!

PS: It has been quite a journey up to this point. Lots of memories came up whilst digging out the wonderful projects throughout my creative history which are featured on my new costume site. I would like to thank those who worked with me and I wish plenty more opportunities will come up for all of us.