The official lockdown period in London started on 23rd of March, a little later than elsewhere in Europe. Nonetheless, first signs of public life’s shutdown already appeared one week earlier. There was a lot of reluctance at first. ‘Keep Calm & Drink Tea’, as they say over here in the UK, despite ‘fears of Corona’.
As I was stopped from going out, I learned to live with what surrounds me. No more coffee shops? Fine, I’ll brew my own. Known to be a tea drinker, I refuse to be threatened by the consequences of home isolation. I’ll intend to raise my own morale by celebrating each cuppa: “Cheers to Corona!”
Since then I consumed more teabags than I can document. I am counting the days, too, and the weeks, and my emotions. Each week seemingly differs, each day comes and goes, each drink calms; by now I need to stock up! ‘Here’s to Corona!’
Link to 15 weeks of tea. The project closed on 4th July due to ease of lockdown restrictions. Time for ice cream now…