Looking back - it’s only been a year and a half. So much has changed, so it seems. Was this for real? What happened?
Reflecting - reality seems to be a matter of perception. Contemplating that we live NOW, not in the past and not yet in the future, let’s explore a different concept of TIME. What if time is not linear, what if time is instead cyclical – and (or) made of at least two parallel ‘lines’ of time? As if the future as well as the past is available to us, and everything is happening at once. Is this possible?
The project ‘My Parallel Universe’ is playing with perception, too. I found all those old travel cards in my shelve among old tax papers and paired them up with events and observations as they were unfolding. Whilst physical travelling is currently obscured, time travelling in our mind is endless. Come on a personal journey with me!