Project: 'Food in Vietnam', Artist Residency, 01.10 – 30.11.13

Having been invited by the New Space Arts Foundation (NSAF) in Hue, Central Vietnam, I am currently working in an Artist Residency and slowly making progress with a series of images on 'food production'. 

NSAF is run by twin brothers Thanh & Hai, who are bringing together national and international artist in order to exchange work practices across all fields of creative expressions. 

My time in Hue started on 1st October and I am working towards an exhibition, which opens on 20 November 2013. The exhibition will feature a series of portraits, featuring people who are physically involved with growing or producing Vietnamese food including fishing or life stock keeping (example on the left: 'peanut farmer').

We often forget how labor intensive it is to produce what we eat. Especially in the Western world the connection between food and nature seems to get lost. Therefore I visited small-scale farmers and family run production businesses and took portraits of people with their products in order to reestablish a relationship with the origin of food provisions.

Link for viewing a selection of the images: 'Made in Vietnam - Farmers'