For the first time the series 'Hairdressers' will go on show as a set. All twelve will be hanging for one month inside the funky hair saloon Flaxon Ptootch in Kentish Town. The project itself is a collaboration between Astrid and hair & make-up artist Konnie Daniel, who worked wonders on the hair of 12 guys (click here for 'Hairdressers')
Venue: Flaxon Ptootch, 237 Kentish Town Rd, Kentish Town, London NW5 2JT
Opening Times: Mo, Thurs & Fri: 10.30am – 7.00pm / Wed: 10.30 to late / Sat: early to 7.00pm / Tuesday & Sunday: closed
Private View: Thursday, 08.05.14, 7.00pm - 10.00pm
‘Hairdressers’ is inspired by the novel Egalia's Daughters in which the protagonists swapped gender based roles. I am questioning our perception on what is regarded as ‘normal’ and what is ‘abnormal’. The sitters look amusing because we do not expect men to go through such treatments, but for women of our society this is perfectly normal. Just wondering: perhaps it’s time for men to get emancipated? Tell me your opinion after you've visited that hair saloon...
Venue: Flaxon Ptootch, 237 Kentish Town Rd, Kentish Town, London NW5 2JT
Opening Times: Mo, Thurs & Fri: 10.30am – 7.00pm / Wed: 10.30 to late / Sat: early to 7.00pm / Tuesday & Sunday: closed
Private View: Thursday, 08.05.14, 7.00pm - 10.00pm
‘Hairdressers’ is inspired by the novel Egalia's Daughters in which the protagonists swapped gender based roles. I am questioning our perception on what is regarded as ‘normal’ and what is ‘abnormal’. The sitters look amusing because we do not expect men to go through such treatments, but for women of our society this is perfectly normal. Just wondering: perhaps it’s time for men to get emancipated? Tell me your opinion after you've visited that hair saloon...